
Showing posts from November, 2014

Drag Queens Lose By Leaving Facebook!


Men of Science, Men of God

it’s interesting that many men of science were also men of God. Here's a short list: Rene Descartes Sir Isaac Newton Michael Faraday Gregor Mendel Johannes Kepler . . . Even Albert Einstein And look at all of their accomplishments combined! It’s amazing what things people can do when they have discipline and guidance in their lives. I believe this is now the problem with our society, that the mainstream culture rejects God, and plays on the "Separation of Church and State" clause of the First Amendment to assert their beliefs whilst firmly repressing those of others. For example, in some states atheists have asserted that a bill should be passed to omit the portion of our nation's pledge of allegiance, because it says "one nation under God." However, our nation's motto is and has been for a long time, "In God We Trust." The fail to realize that the state (nation) simply cannot mandate a state (national) religion. It does not, however,...

Going to University for the Wrong Reasons




The Biggest Myth About Strong Women

Hussey, makes valid point @2.50