MN Maniacs~ RE:Casting Couch Teen PORN Actress Commits SUICIDE After Fac...

These girls think they're Kim K or Paris Hilton...make a sex tape and get famous, but Kim K and Paris Hilton don't live in the real world, they have the financial buffer to weather any kind of blow back, what these girls don't realize is with or without that sex tape kim comes from wealth she would have been fine either way regular girls get a few stacks then it's on to the next "amateur chick" 

I don't hate on the adult entertainment world, I believe
that people have the right to chose how they experience their own humanity,
folks need to realize is that porn is a business like any other business,
 I'm not for porn for different reasons, Human trafficking, abuse, exploiting those that are mentally unhealthy ie; coming from broken homes, sexual molestation, physical abuses etc that's what turns my stomach about porn. Not to mention the men that become addicted and have unrealistic views of women. Aylssa Funke  signed a contract/waiver she was paid in full and THEY own the rights to her porn tape/image and NO they will not be taking it down to appease the feelings police.
People need to look at this as a lesson, even in death the tape is STILL on the net for all to watch, these lifestyles are NOT glamorous, there's a slim chance it'll be like on tv and some rich dude will sweep you up like Kim Khadashian.

We ALL know deep down that there is not enough stripping, prostitution, alcohol or drug in this world that can solve our
problems. If there was, there would be no addictions, since we would only need to use them once. They just mask and snooze off our issues for a minute, but they can't fix them.

So let's learn to OWN our existence and to refuse to let what other people did to us in the past still affect and dictate what we should be doing toDAY!

For all of you thinking of doing porn ask yourself these questions Can I live with myself having sex and performing all kinds of sex acts with people I just met? 

Can I live with that film being available for the world to see forever?

Can I deal with the judgment from my family, friends and or society?

If the answer to any of those questions is no
then you need to look for something else to do.

Pinkyxxx said it best once in an interview. .."Young
girls gotta know, once you put it out there, there's no taking it back".

it maybe a fast way to pay off the here and now...but
that stuff you did on camera is going to be there forever.


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