
Showing posts from February, 2014

J.R. Martinez:have a good attitude, and stay positive

I have just found out about this guy from watching Dr Phil. J.R. Martinez is the man, on 5 th April 2003 age 19 J.R.Martinez,   whilst on tour in Iraq, sustained 3 rd degree burns to 33% of his body   3:00min ‘I just made a choice in that moment you know what life goes on I don’t know what the purpose of this is, but if I have a good attitude, and stay positive and continue to smile every single day, something good will happen to me’

Be someone that makes you happy




I'm going marry the night

What I realize at this late age in my life , is that I have nothing to lose. I’m at Rock Bottom . Everyone just despises me, so I can be unapologetically detached and set myself free to life and adventure or I can let phantom friends and family exploiters who hate me and place no value on me. It's up to me and I for one say fuck it my own best interest is at hand, you wanna hate on me for simply existing’ well ‘fuck you’

The lethality of loneliness: John Cacioppo at TEDxDesMoines

Y’all will know by now, that I love TED talks I am a TED addict, lonliness is dangerous, It is dangerous for the member of the social species to be and feel isolated. When you feel lonely recognise the feeling and do not deny it recognise what is does to your body and brain be aware and understand those effects and then respond get connected, sharing good times speak to elderly people Ostraism ignites the same pain receptors as physical torture

How to become a Memory Master: Idriz Zogaj at TEDxGoteborg

Can you believe I have two copies of Dominic O’Brien’s (Eight Times World Memory Champion) ‘How to develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week’ book a one brought from Amazon in 2011 and the other book from WHSmith in Dec 2013, it is the same book that Memory Master Idriz Zogaj is speaking about in this TED talk, who only started training his memory at 25, now I am not trying be no memory athlete but even my foggy brain got some neurons in it, hey I might be able to get my 30+ year old brain to finally remember my times tables, I am gonna practice my memory. ** 9/5/14 update: in regards to my memory training well I have done ‘ zilch, nada, sweet nothing’ quite typical of me allowed myself to get distracted, those books are sitting in work bag getting squashed and covered in bisquit(sp) crumbs **

Ostracism ; A Scientific look at shunning & the effects on those ostraci...

This video really speaks to me as I have been bullied my whole life from my mother, to my foster carers, my teachers and literally anybody it forced me to turn in on myself and spent the first two decades telling myself it will get better and will have a ‘Cinderella moment’ and someone will save me from my loneliness and heartbreak, I went through suicidal moments and towards the   my third decade of life I came to a very sad realization I will always be an outsider, I have two options I can embrace it or reject it, I embrace really because I cannot reject how do reject the fact that people make fun of your obesity, smell, size of my nose (I have got a super hooter) and always leave you out of things and they fully conscious of their hurtful, I made a decision that no matter what other humans being do to me I still got my existence mean something to me (I can always say on my deathbed, I went Zorbing lol) so desperate for human interaction I ended raped by a sex offender all war...